ID | 2915 |
FullText File | |
Title Alternative | Prospect for development of experience programs with use of local resources in the downtown area through partnership among public, private and academic sectors: Practical study of “Shi-eki Machigurumi Museum” held in the surrounding area of Wakayama-shi station
Authors |
柹木 理菜
赤澤 由真
和田 隼斗
DOI | |
Journal Title |
Tourism Studies
ISSN | 21852332
NCID | AA12438820
Volume | 17
Start Page | 21
End Page | 34
Order | 03
Published Date | 2017-09-08
Language |
Keywords | 地域資源
Keywords Alternative | local resources
experience programs
urban tourism
community development
management system
Abstract Alternative | In recent years, many kinds of experience programs for urban tourism with use of various local resources are gaining popularity throughout the country. As one of such programs, “Shi-eki Machigurumi (area-wide involvement) Museum” was held through partnership among public, private and academic sectors in the surrounding area of Wakayamashi station in 2016. Firstly, we explain its background and contents based on our practical experience. Secondly, we analyze the results of two questionnaire surveys : one is that of the program participants and the other is that of the hosts of individual programs. At the conclusion, this study clarifies the significance of such programs in terms of community inclusion and revaluation of local life, while mentioning the improvement toward preferable program anagement in a sustainable way.
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
Text Version |
Category (Wakayama) |
680 Transportaion Services. Tourism