Graduate School of Teacher Education Wakayama University bulletin of Course Specializing in Professional Development in Education 5
2021-03-25 発行

Exploratory Research on the Development of Societal Perspectives / Approaches : Case Study of 'Efficient and Fair Rule Making' in Elementary, Junior-High , and High School.

社会的な見方・考え方の発達に関する探索的研究 : 小・中・高等学校における「効率的かつ公正なルールづくり」を事例として
IWANO, Kiyomi Faculty of Education researchmap
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Societal Perspectives/Approaches
Rule Making
The purpose of this research is to clarify the child's the development of Societal Perspectives / Approaches in the scene of rule making. For this purpose, I conducted experiment classes on 'efficient and fair rule making' in elementary, junior and high school, and examined the process of the discussion and the recognition and value found in the children's opinion. It became clear that rules are recognized as having a function tochange society for junior-high and high school students, and that fairness in rule making becomes more important according to the development. In addition, junior-high and high school students changes their opinions about 'how to decide' through their discussions.
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