The Wakayama economic review 397・398
2019-09-01 発行

The geographical effects of large-scale superstores on total retail sales : with a special reference to Kanto regions in Japan

大規模小売店舗の地理的分布と小売りの年間商品販売額に関する一考察 : 関東圏の地理データを用いて
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Keywords Alternative
Community Planning
Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis
Special Econometrics
Abstract Alternative
This paper examines the geographical effects of large-scale superstores on the total retail sales with a special reference to Kanto regions in Japan. There is a possibility that the total sales of retail shops in the region are affected by not only the existence of large-scale super stores and population density, but also the so called “geographical correlation.” This study employs the empirical tool of the “geographically weighted regression method” and examines several hypotheses. Our empirical evidence suggests that although the existence of large-scale super stores has a positive effect on the total sales of retail shops in the Tokyo adjacent region, there are no such effects in rural areas. Regarding population density, the positive effects on the total sales of retail shops have been observed in areas where the population density is low; however, there are almost no effects in other areas.
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