ID | 3254 |
フルテキストファイル | |
その他のタイトル(欧) | Factor Analysis of Changes in China’s Regional-Level Industrial Structure Before and After the Global Financial Crisis : Comparison of the Calculated DPG Results from Each Provincial I-O Data
作成者 | |
DOI[info:doi/] | |
掲載誌名 |
ISSN | 04516222
NCID | AN00071425
巻 | 389
開始ページ | 1
終了ページ | 22
並び順 | 01
発行日 | 2017-09-01
本文言語 |
キーワード(和) | 比例成長からの乖離
キーワード(欧) | deviation from proportional growth
regional industrial structure
the global financial crisis
抄録(欧) | Restrictions of economically active space determine interregional disparities of economic activities, leading to different industrial structures being developed in different regions of the same country. We need to consider what factors are important in explaining these regional differences and understanding what the differences indicate. Taking a regional input-output approach using China’s provincial-level I-O tables for the years 2007 and 2012, and using a deviation from proportional growth (DPG) model as one type of quantitative analysis, we compare the differences in industrial structure at the provincial level in China in order to reveal the regional impact of the global financial crisis in 2008.
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