ID | 4452 |
フルテキストファイル | |
その他のタイトル(欧) | China's Fiscal Policies under the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020
作成者 | |
DOI[info:doi/] | |
掲載誌名 |
ISSN | 04516222
NCID | AN00071425
巻 | 405
開始ページ | 17
終了ページ | 34
並び順 | 02
発行日 | 2021-06-01
本文言語 |
記事種別(和) | 論文
キーワード(和) | 新型コロナウイルス
キーワード(欧) | COVID-19 Pandemic
China's Fiscal Policy
local bond
抄録(欧) | With the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic, the year 2020 has become a crucial year for the Chinese Government to prevent further economic crises. At the National People’s Congress in May, an aggressive fiscal policy was adopted that contains expansion of the budget deficit, issuance of special government bonds for countermeasures against COVID-19, and expansion of new issuance quotas for special local bonds. These means are expected not only to avoid economic meltdown but also to build “dual circulation” during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021–2025).
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