ID | 1272 |
フルテキストファイル | |
その他のタイトル(欧) | Joint Development Teaching Material for Life Environment Studies Teacher Training Course of Wakayama University
作成者 |
佐藤 史人
DOI[info:doi/] | |
掲載誌名 |
和歌山大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学
ISSN | 13425331
NCID | AN00257966
巻 | 54
開始ページ | 167
終了ページ | 174
並び順 | 14
発行日 | 2004-02-27
本文言語 |
抄録(欧) | Generally Life Environment Studies integrates social studies and science. Here we focus on technology and home economics education in elementary school. This was done by having the students construct a loom from cardboard and weave cloth. The students then envisioned themselves as teachers and developed worksheets on loom construction and use for elementary school teachers.
資料タイプ |
著者版フラグ |
アクセション番号 | KJ00004258182