ID | 3329 |
フルテキストファイル | |
その他のタイトル(欧) | Verification of Learning Outcomes at Hurdle Run Unit in Junior High School Physical Education Classes
作成者 |
橋本 大地
DOI[info:doi/] | |
掲載誌名 |
和歌山大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学
ISSN | 13425331
NCID | AN00257966
巻 | 68
号 | 2
開始ページ | 1
終了ページ | 6
並び順 | 01
発行日 | 2018-02-23
本文言語 |
抄録(欧) | The purpose of this study is to verify the leaning outcomes at hurdle run unit using ICT devices in a junior high school that practice collaborative learning.As a result, three factors of the Industry Scale for Physical Education classes (Discovery of challenge, Initial remark, and Conscientiousness) were significantly increased. Also more than half of students written out on the learning cards about “form”. This result indicate that this hurdle unit which using ICT devices promoted student’s autonomy.
資料タイプ |
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