ID | 4251 |
FullText File | |
Title Alternative | Current Situations and Challenges of Online Programs in Tourism Studies during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors |
ITO, Eiji
Faculty of Tourism
DOI | |
Journal Title |
Tourism Studies
ISSN | 21852332
NCID | AA12438820
Volume | 24
Start Page | 49
End Page | 57
Order | 05
Published Date | 2021-03-15
Language |
Docuemnt Type | 研究論文
Keywords | オンライン教育
Keywords Alternative | online education
tourism education
university education
Abstract Alternative | Teaching and learning online will be the new normal at tertiary education, including tourism education programs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine current situations and challenges of online programs in tourism studies offered by universities and to discuss future directions toward the development of online programs in Japan. Based on Ryan et al.’s (2016) study, an online survey was conducted, and the latest profile was examined in both international and domestic contexts. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) on tourism topics offered by foreign universities were listed, whereas no online programs were identified among Japanese universities offering a tourism undergraduate program. The total number of courses has slightly increased while providing institutions, Asian universities in particular, have expanded into wider regions. A crucial point to develop and maintain online courses is how to cover the cost. It is essential to put effective organizational support systems for personnel and budget, including constant faculty and staff training. Multiple-use of the programs for an internal purpose such as blended learning as well as an external promotional purpose is also a key to maximize benefits of online programs in the post-COVID-19 era, so as to contribute to the tourism sector.
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
Text Version |
Category (Wakayama) |
370 Education