Bulletin of Institute of Kishu Economic and Cultural History, Wakayama University 44
2023-12-23 発行

Detections of landform changes by SfM / MVS using various types of aerial images : toward establishing process toolkits

多様な高度縮尺の空中写真を用いたSfM多視点ステレオ写真測量による和歌山大学圏域の人工地形変化抽出の試み : 誰でもできる低コストプロセスツールキットの構築に向けて
登城 太智
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Abstract Alternative
Recent rapid growth of SfM/MVS technology allows researchers without deeper skills of photogrammetry to detect landform changes at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Here we report our recent projects quantifying landform changes using downloadable aerial photos and self-acquired drone images with special focus on its practical processes. Our trials were able to detect landform changes with reliable accuracies to use for ordinary academic classes and landscape level research. This practical report could contribute to future research in other study areas and academic fields.
Category (Wakayama)
500 Techinology. Engineering
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