Wakayama Tourism Review 3 Special Issue
2022/3/31 発行

Socially engaged art tourism, in-migrants micro-entrepreneurship, and peripheral island revitalzation

Socially engaged art tourism, in-migrants micro-entrepreneurship, and peripheral island revitalzation
QU Meng
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Keywords Alternative
Art islandness
Rural revitalization
Revitalization engaged art tourism
Creative urban-rural in-migrants
Abstract Alternative
In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the connections among art, tourism, rural place-making, and community revitalization for contemporary art's socially engaged transformation. This interdisciplinary nexus includes art place-making and creative tourism, urban to rural in-migrants micro-entrepreneurship, and partnership networks, in the broader context of peripheral community revitalization agendas. The experimentation and social practice aspects of art, the impact of tourism on disadvantaged communities, as well as the diversified community attributes create various uncertain variables for revitalization and a more complex social interpretation system for researchers. By increasing disciplinary integration among Creative (Art) Geography, Relational Geography, Tourism Geography, Creative Tourism, Relational Art, as well as both rural and island studies, socially engaged art tourism provides an opportunity to re-evaluate the concept of ‘Rural Creative Tourism Geographies’(RCTG) in a systematic way.
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