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Faculty of Education, Wakayama University bulletin of Center for Educational Research and Training
Latest Issue
Faculty of Education, Wakayama University bulletin of Center for Educational Research and Training
A Research on the Opinions of the Teacher to the Special Support Education
橘 英彌
津村 孝幸
吉永 あゆみ
PP. 1 - 9
The current situation and assignments in supporting network for children with developmental disabilities : The investigations in Wakayama city and surrounding areas
小野 次朗
山本 紀代
川口 恭子
PP. 11 - 17
Educational Problems in the Community Schools and the Latest Clinical Part in Wakayama University
EDA, Yusuke
小野 次朗
PP. 19 - 23
A school counseling approach for truant students on an individual case
大前 泰彦
PP. 25 - 30
The research and practice in the cooperation with Unversity, Schools and The board of education : Training and Spread enlightenment concerned with "The Information-oriented Education"
野中 陽一
井口 章
桑木 義典
嶋田 雅昭
宇田 智津
中井 章博
雑賀 聰
TOYODA, Michitaka
津守 泰子
PP. 31 - 38
A report of Japanese Class for rising Media-Literacy at elementary school : Comparison of difference Movie and Animation expression in story of [GONGITSUNE]
TOYODA, Michitaka
西村 充司
PP. 39 - 44
Independent study using an Internet event : Making of web contents for a webcast project of the solar eclipse in Antarctica
OKYUDO, Masami
TOMITA, Akihiko
PP. 45 - 48
Astronomy Education Using Cellular Phone with a Camera
竹中 敦史
TOMITA, Akihiko
PP. 49 - 53
A Study of Science Education Using Planetarium
佐々木 順子
TOMITA, Akihiko
PP. 55 - 60
Problems with Elementary School English Activities in Wakayama Prefecture
林 桂子
PP. 61 - 67
English Education at Elementary School in Cooperation with Junior High School
熊ノ郷 朋子
PP. 69 - 71
English education for disabled students
岩井 鉄男
PP. 73 - 74
Practice-Teaching based on Community
川本 治雄
PP. 75 - 82
A Study on the development of the Comprehensive Child-Support Policy in the Educational Administration in U.S.A. : Focusing on the emergence of "inter-agency work" around schools
山下 晃一
PP. 83 - 91
A Study on the Theory of Civil Society and the Task of Research on the Group-Creation
PP. 93 - 101
Effects of Background Music on Calculation Task (2) : Focused on Comprehension of the Words of a Song
志水 佳和
SUGA, Sensaku
PP. 103 - 112
A psychological study of the ideal method of child care and child care support
YONEZAWA, Yoshifumi
PP. 113 - 122
Influences of Internal Working Models and Social- support on Maternal Attitudes to Their Children
森下 正康
木村 あゆみ
PP. 123 - 131
A View of the Recent Trend on the Special Education in Vietnam
EDA, Yusuke
森澤 允清
井上 真友子
PP. 133 - 139
For understanding of solid figures by operateions and activities
遠藤 秀機
佐藤 英雄
PP. 141 - 146
The World of Complex Numbers (1)
佐藤 英雄
PP. 147 - 152
Report on the Trial Open Course of 'Advancing Physics'
藤田 利光
宮永 健史
山本 宏之
坂本 文博
村田 隆紀
谷口 和成
PP. 153 - 162
A Study of Teaching Methodologies on Japanese Traditional Drums
嶋田 由美
PP. 163 - 168
A Study of Music Education in Developing a Life Environment Studies Curriculum
KAN, Michiko
PP. 169 - 177
L'Interpretation pratique de melodie francaise
鎌田 直純
PP. 179 - 183
The research regarding a visual field in the trapping & passing
加藤 弘
岡村 孝之
PP. 185 - 189
An empirical study for practical assistant's tasks of vocational courses in upper secondary level : With a central focus on some industrial and agricultural high schools
佐藤 史人
PP. 191 - 197
A Practical Report for Life Environment Studies Lectures in the Teacher Training Course of Wakayama University
IMAMURA, Ritsuko
佐藤 史人
PP. 199 - 205
Japanese & English comparisons of teacher training for using ICTwith special reference to the ICT curriculum of University of Brighton
野中 陽一
Loveless, Avril M.
武田 勝昭
TOYODA, Michitaka
PP. 207 - 215
A construction of practical curriculum for teacher training by "Class Simulation"(Teacher Training Class) how to use computer for teaching guideline
TOYODA, Michitaka
野中 陽一
PP. 217 - 225
A Study of actual conditions on intercourse education of special class for Physical Handicap in elementary school.
妻木 節子
PP. 227 - 235
A Report of Perceptions toward the Inclucive Education of Disabled Children among Women's University Students of Childcare system
田川 元康
本谷 望
PP. 237 - 241
Total Contents