Bulletin of Organization for Cross-Curricular and Cross-Disciplinary Education 4
2023-03-31 発行

Effectiveness of ‘Weak’ CLIL―through an example of a course

授業実践例に見る ‘Weak’ CLIL の有効性
UMEDA, Reiko Organization for Cross-Curricular and Cross-Disciplinary Education 和歌山大学研究者総覧 researchmap
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CLIL のバリエーション(強 形~弱形)
Keywords Alternative
English Education
CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning)
Variation of CLIL(strong ~ weak)
Abstract Alternative
In modern society, where many people have access to various information of the world with
the Internet, just having English skill is not as important as it used to be in old days. What is
important is to analyze the information, form an opinion, and to cooperate with other people.
English education should change its aims, as the needs have changed. It is, however, difficult
to keep up to the speed of the society change and change the way of teaching accordingly.
One of the potential ways of changing English education is to use CLIL method. Using
various modern topic material and encouraging or helping students to communicate their
knowledge and views with others in English can help change EFL(English as a Foreign
Language) teachers’ mindset. This article shows an example of an English course with ‘Weak’
version of CLIL and discusses how effective it was both for students and the teacher.
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