Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Wakayama University. Humanities science 69
2019-02-08 発行

Combining Garden and Agriculture : Rural Architecture and Ferme Ornée

プロー『田園建築』と『装飾農園』 : 庭園と農業の関係をめぐって
IMAMURA, Takao Faculty of Education researchmap
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In the late eighteenth century an architect John Plaw published two so-called pattern-books, which are Rural Architecture; Consisting of Designs, from the Simple Cottage, to the More Decorated Villa and Ferme Ornée; or Rural Improvements. In both of these pattern-books Plaw tries to introduce agriculture into landscape garden, the relationship of which were often discussed in his days. Especially his second book proposes many types of building which are used for agricultural production and can be included in pleasure garden with their ornamental appearance. This paper analyses these pattern-books and concludes that Plaw’s intention is not only for show but he attached great importance to the practicability or utility of his proposal of “ferme ornée” as a farm, and that the exterior and backdrop of the drawings of his building is much influenced by the picturesque movement which urged the union of utility and beauty.
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