Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Wakayama University. Educational science 55
2005-02-28 発行

A Supervising Process to Improve Student's Practical Ability in a Youngster's Science Festival

KANDA, Wakako Faculty of Education
宮永 健史
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Abstract Alternative
Students of our faculty participated in a youngster's science festival in Wakayama to develop their practical ability, a skill of employing scientific teaching materials with some explanations. Their supervisors (=authors) supported their exercises. To have a foresight on the festival and to make an appropriate preparation, the students went to see other science festivals in summer vacation and wrote a report. At that time, they began their preparation for the festival held in autumn and made an explanation on their performance for a guidebook of the festival. The supervisors gave them some advises and helped them to have their scientific experiments. On the two days of performance, the students showed the experiments and talked with visitors. They attempted to improve on their perfor- mances and their explanations. After that, they wrote another report to look back and to summarize the festival.
Category (Wakayama)
370 Education
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