Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Wakayama University. Educational science 72
2022-02-09 発行

The Ideal Method of the Environmental Education in the Infancy when I Considered it from the Viewpoint of the Relation with Nature

TAKAHASHI, Tamiko Faculty of Education researchmap
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Abstract Alternative
The main subject surveyed the present conditions of the action of the environmental education in recent our country and the environmental education about nature in the infancy and considered the way of the future environmental education from a viewpoint of ESD and raised the next three points. First,it is improvement of the garden environment. Second, it is the improvement of environmental education with the education teaching materials such as a picture book or the karuta as mediation. Third,it is promotion of environmental education in collaboration with industry, academia and government. The future problem is to inspect an education effect and a social effect in cooperation with a kindergarten and an area.
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