Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Wakayama University. Educational science 72
2022-02-09 発行

The Educational Support of Children with Severe Multiple Disabilities and Method of Alignment with Parents : Qualitative Research Through Interviews with Parents

重度・重複障害児の教育的支援及び保護者との連携の在り方 : 保護者のインタビューを通した質的研究
TAKEDA, Tetsurou Faculty of Education researchmap
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Abstract Alternative
In Japan, the severity and duplication of disabilities have increased in recent years, and as a result the number of students enrolled in school education requiring medical care has also increased. This study investigated the issues surrounding disability acceptance of parents of children with severe and multiple disabilities, and the actual situation of support reuired by children and parents at each stage of their life stages to provide them better educational support.The purpose of the study was to consider how to cooperate with parents.We conducted semi-structured interviews with mothers of children with severe and multiple disabilities. The content of these interviews was analyzed qualitatively. We found 29 categories from 51 concepts and integrated them into 10category groups.In addition,we created other categories, such as the mother's feeling of love when she saw her child grow over the difficulties of surgery or illness. As a result, parents had anxiety and helplessness that always threatened their children's lives.It was also revealed that mothers needed social support from their families and specialists. It was also found that the growth of their child became the driving force of the mothers and it helped them realize their inner desire in social life.
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