Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Wakayama University. Educational science 70
2020-02-04 発行

A Study on the Transformation Process of the Consciousness of Parent Mentor

MINAKATA, Masayuki
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Abstract Alternative
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the transformation process of the consciousness of parent mentors by method of analyses of Modified Grounded Theory Approach. A semi-structured interview is carried out to 4parents who have children with developmental disabilities, And they belong to association of parent mentor. Before becoming a parent mentors noticed first the disorder of their own child and accepted this situation and the diagnosis result. In such situation, they participate in the meeting of the parent for their own children. Parent mentors grow through various experience. Parent mentors would like to be even a little useful to similar parent and child of circumstances. Parent mentors learned many things from various activity of a parent mentor. First parent mentors learned the posture which sympathetically listens to support other parents. Second, parent mentors acquired the relation of the person, wide information and knowledge by an exchange between a parent mentor and a workshop. When touching their child, parent mentors could utilize the posture of listening. This experience was useful to touch their own child and correspond to the disorder of their own child. Parent mentors changed in order to have wider positive consciousness in various aspects.
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